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3 month Ampuversary!!

Today is JJ’s 3 month ampuversary!

He’s certainly enjoying the indoor life and he’s getting around really well. We let him outside with the “big boys” to play for about 10 minutes a couple of times of day. He also has his inside companion Princess so he’s never a lonely boy.

My 3 daughters were never able to play with him before since he was outside with the big dogs. The big dogs would knock them over so it wasn’t really safe for them. But now the first thing they do when they get up is go say hi to him. When we leave the house they all go to the gate and pet him and say “Bye JJ!” As soon as we get home they all run over to pet him and say hi.

Now…all I need are some of those doggy stairs so I can have him come in bed and sleep with me 🙂 That’s on my birthday list LOL

Hoppy Ampuversary JJ!

5 Responses so far »

  1. jerry said,

    June 14, 2013 @ 1:21 am     Reply

    YIPPPEEEE! Hoppy Ampuversary JJ! You and your Momma are quite the team, we are so hoppy for you both. I can’t wait to see some more pics!

  2. fourminipups said,

    June 14, 2013 @ 1:24 am     Reply

    Happy 3 month JJ!! Keep ’em coming!!

  3. benny55 said,

    June 14, 2013 @ 4:26 am     Reply

    CONGRATULATIONS JJ!! Great job! JJ the Mighty sounds like he has everyone pretty well trained to do what he wants!! Isn’t it wonderful to see ow amazingly well they adapt to whatever life throws their way!

    So glad he’s able to interact with the kids more. I know that’s a win/win for everyone!

    So happy things are going so well and JJ is getting so much loving and spoiling!

    Yeah, my big Happy Hannah can’t climb upstairs since the amp. and she’s too larger for me to carry. I miss her not being able to sleep with her was an adjustment—-more so for me than her! She’s contentbbeing g on the sofa or one of her many beds scattered all over downstairs!

    Many more celebrations coming your way JJ!! Be gentle on your “big dog” pals—-poor things…they have to deal with four legs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. cldavis said,

    June 14, 2013 @ 5:50 am     Reply

    Hoppy ampuversary! Sounds like a good day for mommy to slip you some bacon! 😛

  5. jessk said,

    June 14, 2013 @ 7:56 pm     Reply

    Happy Ampuversary, JJ!

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